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Being prepared for life

Demos’ independent evaluation of the Scout Association’s Character by Doing pilot scheme in English schools – supported by the DfE’s character grant – has found extra-curricular activities can encourage “statistically significant and positive impacts” on primary school children’s leadership skills.  The evaluation showed students participating in the pilot improved their leadership capabilities by 22% over 6 months.

Children were given the opportunity to participate in outdoor games and camping activities, learn about natural sciences and biology, cooking classes, arts and crafts, youth social action, residential adventure, and challenges designed to build specific skills – such as communication, team-working and problem-solving.

Aside from the substantial boost to leadership, the Demos evaluation also found that both teachers and students had enjoyed participating in the pilot, and supported its expansion across other schools. Students also reported that the pilot had made them feel proud, had a positive impact on their relationship with their school, and that they would like to continue Scouting.

Researched Links:

Demos:  Ambitious pilot in deprived schools shows how extra-curricular activities can build children’s leadership skills

Not just ‘Me First’

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