WGPlus (Archive)

Helping HMIC to understand the problem & map the way forward

A request to techUK members for their top priorities & questions for Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary

techUK has secured a meeting with HMIC to explore how the industry can support efforts to improve procurement & implementation of IT systems. techUK could support HMIC in investigations, helping document the situation, identifying the problems, framing questions, proposing strategies & providing guidance to forces within the scope of the HMIC inspection & audit regime.

So in advance of this meeting they are asking members to let us know their top 5 priorities for HMIC: what are the top issues members would like to see HMIC focussing on with regards to procurement and use of IT? Or, to put it another way, if you were HMIC, what would you be focussing on when inspecting forces?

Researched Links:
techUK:  Call for Input - Tech Priorities for HMIC – (closes on 23 September 2016)
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