WGPlus (Archive)

It always needs more!
Richard Murray, of KF, recently commented on the financial reports from NHS regulators - ‘…. NHS providers are heading towards an unprecedented end-of-year deficit’.
Researched Links:

Kings Fund - NHS providers heading towards unprecedented deficit – (NHS performance frameworks need radical simplification & alignment, TKF’s review finds

The Patients Association’s response to the NHS deficit

NHS Confederation:  New figures show why NHS urgently needs funding certainty in upcoming Spending Review

NICE launches initiative to speed up adoption of health technologies

DH:  Restrictions on nurse recruitment from overseas changed

More details of the NHS Funding Black Hole

Financing the promised £8bn by 2020

We have known this for years so why hasn’t NHS management ‘reformed’ its purchasing?

Recruiters Handbook: Download now and take the first steps towards developing a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organisation.