WGPlus (Archive)

Reading this report, something doesn’t add up

On UN International Literacy Day (8/09/2014), the BIS Select Committee published a report recommending the Government launch a high-profile campaign to tackle the alarmingly low levels of adult literacy & numeracy in England.

In light of an OECD survey of 24 countries ranking England & Northern Ireland 22nd for literacy and 21st for numeracy, the Committee also calls for a more joined-up Government approach to tackling the problem, improved funding arrangements, and better assessment & support of the literacy & numeracy needs of unemployed people.

The Committee found that adults struggling most at English & maths are not getting the help & support needed.  While the Government pledges free training & tuition for any adult who wishes to study English & maths up to and including GCSE level, the Committee heard that adults with the most limited English & maths skills were not aware of the support available.

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