WGPlus (Archive)

Should those who have not / cannot ‘pay in’ show more individual initiative & personal responsibility?

Protecting free & equal access to healthcare for all is likely to require individuals to take greater responsibility for their own wellbeing and a more determined public policy focus on preventative medicine, a new Civitas book suggests.  The Health of the Nation: Averting the demise of universal healthcare, a collection of essays by leading health commentators, demonstrates there is a growing consensus about the need to look beyond clinical services for the answers to the difficulties facing the NHS.

This will need to involve initiatives to minimise ill health among the nation’s expanding, and ageing, population, including a much greater emphasis on public health & preventative medicine as well as a renewed drive for individual initiative & personal responsibility.

Health-enhancing objectives will need to be central to policy areas as diverse as urban planning, education and employment, for example, while there needs to be greater awareness of the extent to which some diseases are often the result of poor health choices.  But it will also require healthcare to become more individualised and more integrated into daily life, including widespread personal healthcare budgets.

Researched Links:

Civitas:  Future of the NHS depends on greater personal responsibility

NHS England:  Tens of £ms to be reinvested in patient care thanks to NHS devices deal

NHS England:  Your chance to shape our mandate for change

NHS England:  New Intelligence Packs offer early prevention opportunities

NHS England:  Gauging where we are with a paper-free NHS

NHS England:  New NHS centre recruits first patient to world leading genomics project

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