WGPlus (Archive)

Unfortunately some families find it difficult / impossible to overcome the drivers of poverty

The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) has called for a far-reaching overhaul of the existing poverty measures.  The think tank is urging the Government to take into account the 5 main drivers of povertyfamily breakdown, worklessness, drug & alcohol addiction, personal debt and educational failure – in its new reforms.

The CSJ has devised a ‘life chance risk’ assessment whereby a child would be deemed to be in poverty if they were found to have 1 or 2 life chance risks and their family to fall below one of the income measures. Where a child had 3 or more life chance risks, the child would be considered to be in entrenched poverty.

Researched Links:

CSJ calls for bold new measure of poverty

JRF - Responding to the Annual Poverty lecture speech

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