Care Quality Commission
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Celebrating National Coproduction Week

We’re delighted to support the Social Care Institute for Excellence’s (SCIE) first ever National Coproduction Week.

The week celebrates the benefits of coproduction, sharing good practice and highlighting the contribution of people who use services and carers to developing better public services.

We believe that working with the public and providers to develop the way we do our job provides valuable insight into how our proposals will work in practice and ensures we remain focused on what matters most to the people we serve. We believe we can make a difference to the quality of care together.

We lead, or work with coproduction groups, Experts by Experience, Local Healthwatch network, our mental health user panel, our children and young person advisory group and our public online community.

Andrea Sutcliffe, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, said: "We all have a contribution to make and our work at CQC is enriched and enhanced by the different perspectives each of these groups can bring.”

If you’d like to get involved in coproduction opportunities at CQC, please join our public online community to find out more.

Show your support for National Coproduction Week by sharing your stories with the hashtag#coproweek, and tagging @CareQualityComm and @SCIE_socialcare


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