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Channel 4 should cancel Immigration Street, says TUC

The TUC recently supported the call of community groups, unions and residents in the Southampton Communities Alliance for the documentary Immigration Street, due to be screened tonight (24th February) by Channel 4, to be cancelled. Due to campaigning the documentary has already been reduced from six episodes to one.

Filmed in Derby Road, Southampton, Immigration Street has been produced by the same company that made Benefits Street, Love Productions. The Southampton Communities Alliance have been campaigning for over six months for the show to be cancelled due to fears the programme will represent the local area negatively, stigmatising residents.

Residents have so far been denied access to the footage of the programme by Channel 4.

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady said: “Channel 4 needs to respect the views of the Southampton community and cancel Immigration Street

“The show looks set to encourage social division and hostility towards migrants and the black, minority and ethnic community. Instead of such irresponsible broadcasting, the media should expose how communities are suffering from the shocking impact of low wages, lousy contracts and cuts to services.”


- The TUC is a supporter of Southampton Communities Alliance, a coalition of local residents, community groups and trade union activists campaigning to promote positive messages on migration in and around Southampton. For more information:http://sca0238.blogspot.co.uk/

- The TUC took part in a Southampton Communities Alliance demonstration outside Channel 4 on January 31. Footage of this demonstration can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mMBkNYcyhY

- All TUC press releases can be found at www.tuc.org.uk
- Follow the TUC on Twitter: @tucnews


Media enquiries:

Clare Santry   T: 020 7467 1372    M: 07717 531150   E: csantry@tuc.org.uk
Tim Nichols  T: 020 7467 1337  M: 07876 452902  E: tnichols@tuc.org.uk
Alex Rossiter  T: 020 7467 1285  M: 07887 572130  E: arossiter@tuc.org.uk

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