Department for Culture, Media and Sport
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Child care business scheme extended

Apply now for a cash boost of up to £500 to help start up your new business 

A scheme offering grants of up to £500 to people in England who want to start their own childcare business has been extended until 31 December 2014.

The government’s Childcare Business Grant Scheme has already approved over 4,500 successful applications to help new childcare businesses get off the ground.

The initiative, which was launched in April 2013, aims to support over 7,000 new childcare enterprises. It helps people pay for things like training, equipment, insurance and adaptations to premises that can otherwise be tough when you’re setting up a new business.

Minister for Women, Nicky Morgan said:

This is a fantastic opportunity for people who are, or maybe thinking of, starting up their own child minding or nursery business. We are offering grants of up to £500 to help budding entrepreneurs with some of their start-up costs.

Thousands of people have already applied for a grant, but I want even more people to benefit which is why we are extending the scheme until the end of the year. I would urge anyone who is interested to apply as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss out.

The scheme intends to have a double effect in both making sure there is more childcare available for women who want to go back to work whilst enabling others to set up their own business.

New businesses are also being encouraged to team up with a free mentor so they can access specially-tailored business start-up advice.

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