Scottish Government
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Education Scotland Quality Indicator Summary Analysis Published

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

94 per cent of pre-school centres and 90 per cent of schools have been evaluated as satisfactory or better by Education Scotland.

Scotland’s Chief Statistician yesterday released statistics relating to a summary analysis of the evaluations of the first post-baseline sample of pre-school centres and schools in relation to the three Reference Quality Indicators which inform the National Performance Framework (NPF). Schools include primary, secondary, all-through and special

In the first post-baseline sample, 396 pre-school centres were inspected which accounted for 16 per cent of all private, public and voluntary pre-school centres open at September 2013. Of those inspected 94 per cent were evaluated as satisfactory or better in all of the three Reference Quality Indicators, 74 per cent were evaluated as good or better and 32 per cent as very good or better in all three Reference Quality Indicators. The proportion of pre-school centres evaluated as very good or better has shown a statistically significant increase over the baseline. The pre-school centres receiving evaluations of satisfactory or better shows no significant change over the baseline.

In the first post-baseline sample, 420 schools (primary, secondary, all-through and special) were inspected which accounted for 16 per cent of all publicly funded schools open at September 2013. Of those inspected 90 per cent were evaluated as satisfactory or better in all of the three Reference Quality Indicators, 69 per cent were evaluated as good or better and 24 per cent as very good or better in all three Reference Quality Indicators. The proportion of schools receiving satisfactory or better evaluations has remained unchanged over the baseline.

The figures were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Notes To Editors

National Performance Indicator Criteria

Data from this publication will populate two National Indicators in the National Performance Framework (NPF):

•increase the proportion of pre-school centres receiving positive reports; and◦increase the proportion of schools receiving positive reports.

The NPF criteria established in 2007 are based on the three Reference Quality Indicators:

•QI 1.1 Improvements in Performance: standards of attainment over time; overall quality of learners’ achievement; and impact of the school/centre improvement plan;
• QI 2.1 Children’s/Learners’ Experiences: the extent to which learners are motivated and actively involved in their own learning,


•QI 5.3 Meeting Learning Needs: tasks, activities and resources; identification of learning needs; the role of teachers and specialist staff; and meeting and implementing the requirements of legislation..

A positive inspection report is achieved when an evaluation of satisfactory or better is achieved in ALL three of the Reference Quality Indicators

The full statistical publication is available at 9.asp?strReferringChannel=inspectionandreview&strReferringPageID=tcm:4-68271 0-64&class=l1+d147706

This publication contains the evaluations of pre-school centres and schools (primary, secondary, all-through and special) in the first post-baseline sample. The sample has been designed to cover a range of schools within Scotland

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed at:

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