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LGA responds to EFRA committee report on air pollution

LGA Environment spokesman Cllr Martin Tett responds to an EFRA (Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) Committee report on air pollution.

"Councils need a range of powers and devolved funding to allow them to further tackle poor air quality. This includes the ability to combat congestion hot spots - through enforcing moving traffic violations outside London*, including illegal U-turns and box junction offences - and to promote alternative travel, such as cycling, walking and public transport. 

"We are also calling on the Government to fully fund the concessionary fares scheme, handing control over the Bus Service Operators' Grant, a fuel duty rebate paid directly to bus operators by the Government.  It is also important that the Government takes action at a national level to incentivize a move away from polluting diesel vehicles to non-diesel transport."

View report: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201516/cmselect/cmenvfru/479/47902.htm


  • Councils already have this power in London
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