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LGA responds to museums association's survey

Cllr Ian Stephens, Chairman of the LGA's Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, comments on the museums association's survey.

"Councils recognise the tremendous role that museums play in helping to create places where people want to live, work and visit. However, local authorities had to reduce spending on arts and museums and there are still substantial challenges ahead for councils who will have to continue to find savings while trying to limit the impact on local communities.

"This will include making tough decisions about how to keep providing the hundreds of vital services which communities value, including arts and museums.

"Many council-run and supported museums have responded to budget pressures by working in new and different ways such as sharing services, generating extra income, working with volunteers and developing a digital offer. Each council will do what works best for them depending on local circumstances."

View survey: http://museumsassociation.org/download?id=1155528

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