Welsh Government
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Lymphoedema service in Wales: an excellent example of prudent healthcare

Welsh Government Health Minister Mark Drakeford will reveal the lymphoedema service in Wales is leading the way on the European stage 

He will tell the All Wales Lymphoedema Services Seminar in Swansea, the service is an example of prudent healthcare in action.

Lymphedema is chronic swelling caused by lymphatic system failure and mainly occurs when the lymphatic system is damaged by surgery, tumour, radiotherapy, trauma, infection or inflammation. It can affect people of all ages and can occur in any part of the body.

The illness can also be caused by a congenital abnormality. Whatever the cause, lymphoedema is chronic and incurable and requires lifelong management.  

The strategy for lymphoedema services in Wales - “Designed for Lymphoedema” - was published by the Welsh Government in 2009. The Welsh Government invested £1m annually from April 2011 to implement the strategy.

This has helped each health board to set up dedicated services staffed by specialists, practitioners and assistants, which have improved access to assessment and treatment for patients.

The service is also improving equity of access through collaboration with the third sector. The Welsh Government provided £178,485 of capital funding to Tenovus and in December 2013 the second Tenovus mobility unit opened. This provides improved access for disadvantaged patients living in rural areas, those on low incomes, with poor access to transport, as well as elderly and disabled people.

Health Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“I am proud to say Wales has a lymphoedema service which is leading the way, not just here in Wales, not just in the UK but on the European stage.

“The service took a small pot of money, challenged itself to spend it prudently and has delivered better access, access in the community and access to high quality services, treatments and patient experience.

“The lymphoedema service in Wales is an excellent example of prudent healthcare.  By listening to the needs of the patient, providing services within local communities and developing new treatments, the service has become more efficient and effective in dealing with this complex condition.”

Channel website: http://gov.wales

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