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NHS Confederation - Mental Health Network responds to mental health spending figures released by Labour

The Mental Health Network recently responded to figures reported by Labour (obtained through Freedom of Information requests) about clinical commissioning groups’ spending on mental health.

Stephen Dalton, chief executive of the Mental Health Network, said:

"We very much welcome NHS England identifying mental health as a priority and directing CCGs to increase investment, but it's disappointing that there is a lack of transparency and no published figures showing this is actually happening.

“On the frontline, whilst some mental health services have seen modest investment, most report they are at a standstill and others have seen a reduction in spending. Coupled with the apparent £107 million reduction in promised new investment for children and new mothers, this is a potentially disappointing picture. 

“Everyone agrees that investing in mental health services is in the best interest of the wider NHS, as well as vulnerable adults and children, but we urgently need figures to demonstrate whether money is following the good intentions."

The Mental Health Network is part of the NHS Confederation.

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