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NHS Confederation: Mental Health Network responds to the National Audit Office report on access to services

Stephen Dalton, Chief Executive of the Mental Health Network, responds to the National Audit Office report on improving access to mental health services.

“We welcome the independent NAO report. We must urgently move on from describing the problem to actually making a difference. Behind the headlines lies widespread problems in access to mental health services, affecting some of the most vulnerable people in our society including children.

“It's time national leaders stopped making promises that things will improve and focused on getting resources to the frontline. The Government rightly talks about the need for the NHS to be the most transparent healthcare system in the world. It is a scandal that there is no accountable and transparent system for understanding where the Government’s promised funding for mental health services has gone.”

View related information: https://www.nao.org.uk/report/mental-health-services-preparations-for-improving-access/

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