Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted)
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Ofsted launches new Further Education Data Dashboard to aid the drive for improvement in the sector

Today, Ofsted launches a powerful new online tool to help governors hold further education and skills providers to account. 

The Further Education and Skills Data Dashboard contains useful and relevant information on how effectively FE sector providers are performing and how they compare against national averages. Access to this information will help governors and leaders of FE providers to consider what is being done well and what needs to improve. The development of the dashboard follows the launch of similar initiatives for schools.

Specifically, the Further Education and Skills Dashboard includes data on:

  • the number of learners completing qualifications, including those undertaking academic, vocational and apprenticeship-based courses
  • the destination of learners once they complete their qualifications
  • the priorities of Local Enterprise Partnerships.

National Director for Further Education and Skills, Lorna Fitzjohn, commenting on the release of the Data Dashboard, said:

'One of the biggest problems facing governors and leaders in raising attainment in Further Education has been the lack of a sector-wide way of measuring performance. The launch of the new Data Dashboard will change this.

'We have worked closely with FE providers, the Association of Colleges and other organisations in the sector to develop a tool that will provide governors with accessible and informative data. Through this the Dashboard will aid them in their role of holding providers to account on their performance.

'We highlighted in the last Annual Report the importance of encouraging a dialogue between the FE sector and employers, particularly the need for greater awareness of the priorities of Local Enterprise Partnerships. This information held in this Dashboard will give governors a clear picture of how well providers are equipping learners with the skills they need to make the transition from education to work.'

The Further Education and Skills Dashboard operates in a similar manner to the existing Schools Data Dashboard, launched in February 2013, and contains data on providers such as colleges as well as community and independent learning providers where available.

Those visiting the site are able to search by town, postcode and provider. For each provider they will be able to see learner achievement by the qualification level, the progress being made by learners and how this compares in the national context. The Dashboard contains separate information for learners aged 16 to 18 enrolled on a Further Education and Skills course, and those over the age of 19.

The site is accessible to all members of the public and will be of interest to anyone with an interest in seeing how a specific provider is performing. However, the Dashboard is specifically aimed at aiding governors and providers in raising standards in the FE sector. Groups such as employers and learners can take advantage of other Ofsted tools like Employer and Learner View to help them make decisions about their education needs.

The Further Education and Skills Data Dashboard can be accessed by going to:

Notes to editors

  1. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (Ofsted) regulates and inspects to achieve excellence in the care of children and young people, and in education and skills for learners of all ages. It regulates and inspects childcare and children's social care, and inspects the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass), schools, colleges, initial teacher training, work-based learning and skills training, adult and community learning, and education and training in prisons and other secure establishments. It assesses council children’s services, and inspects services for looked after children, safeguarding and child protection.
  2. Media can contact the Ofsted Press Office through 03000 130415 or via Ofsted's enquiry line 0300 1231231 between 8.30am - 6.00pm Monday - Friday. Out of these hours, during evenings and weekends, the duty press officer can be reached on 07919 057359.
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