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RoSPA - Campaign launched to prevent child choking and poisoning

As more electronic items appear in the modern home and with thoughts turning to Christmas, families with young children are being warned of the potential dangers of button batteries in a bid to reduce accidental choking and poisoning.

The risk of children swallowing these batteries is increasing, with deaths having been reported in the UK. Gadgets containing the batteries are becoming more prevalent, and increased numbers are introduced into homes in the run up to Christmas, in things such as electronic toys and musical greetings cards. If undetected, the batteries can do serious damage to the gastrointestinal system.

Five-year-old Eva McCafferty was one of the children unlucky enough to swallow a button battery. Aged just 14 months, Eva was admitted to hospital with life-threatening symptoms, with the battery having eroded her oesophagus. She required emergency surgery to remove the battery, and spent a prolonged time in intensive care.

Her mother Kathleen said: “We want to highlight the dangers to other families, as we were not aware of how devastating the effects of swallowing one of these batteries could be. We don’t want any other children to have to go through what Eva did.”

Family safety charity RoSPA has teamed up with the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children (RBHSC), the Public Health Agency (PHA) and the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) in a campaign to warn parents, carers and health professionals in Northern Ireland of this worrying trend.

For the next six months the campaign will target increased awareness about not just button batteries, but the other choking and poisoning hazards that can found around the home.

A series of child safety training, workshops and talks will be delivered to hundreds of people, including single parents, across the country.

Height charts carrying important safety information, that can be hung in bedrooms, will also be distributed to parents, while a short public information DVD will be produced to highlight the key messages of the campaign.

Ita McErlean, RoSPA Northern Ireland’s home safety manager, said: “Young children are naturally inquisitive, and explore the world in part by putting things in their mouths.

“As more and more electronic items are introduced into the family home, the potential for children to swallow button batteries increases, and this can lead to choking or poisoning.

“We want to reach parents, grandparents, childminders, carers, students, practitioners and health professionals with our simple safety messages, to help prevent unnecessary and distressing trips to the emergency department.”

Dr Julie-Ann Maney, of the RCPCH and RBHSC, said: “Although small, button batteries pose a very real danger to children if swallowed. The sleek shape and size makes them attractive to small inquisitive hands and sadly, the consequences of one of these being swallowed can be severely life-changing and sometimes even fatal.

“As a consultant in paediatric emergency medicine and working in the emergency department of The Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children, I have seen increasing numbers of children presenting with breathing difficulties and vomiting blood as a result of swallowing one of these batteries. This can be fatal. Once the battery has been removed, there are still silent dangers and long-term health problems.

“I urge all parents, friends and family members to make sure that any casing around batteries in toys and electrical devices are secure before giving them to a child. And if in doubt, don’t take the risk – a child’s life could depend on it.”

Hilary Johnston, Health and Social Wellbeing Improvement Manager said that “The Public Health Agency is delighted to be working with RoSPA and others to raise awareness of the risks associated with button cell batteries.  As parent and carers cannot always be with their children 24/7 it is important they are aware that toys and gadgets which use these batteries must have lockable battery compartments and that any products that do not have lockable compartments (such as greetings cards and remote controls) should be kept out of the reach of children.”

The button batteries campaign forms part of RoSPA’s year-long Getting the Message Across initiative, which will provide seasonal information to help people of all ages prevent life-changing injury and death from accidents.

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