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TUC: Pension industry report highlights need to build on auto-enrolment

TUC General Secretary Frances O’Grady commented on the publication yesterday (Thursday) of a report by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, which  notes the success of auto-enrolment but highlights the need to increase contributions to ensure adequate retirement incomes, 

“Automatic enrolment has given millions a workplace pension for the first time, especially young workers. But now we need to make sure that those pensions are enough for a decent retirement.

“Employers must step up and show they’re prepared to put more into workplace pensions alongside their employees. And the Government must improve auto-enrolment so it delivers a decent pension for everyone."

Notes to Editors:

  • For more information on the PLSA report  ‘Retirement Income Adequacy: Generation by Generation’, go to:


  • TUC Press Office on Twitter: @tucnews
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