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UK can lead world in tackling the opportunities and risks of technology in 21st century

The UK can set a world lead in tackling the opportunities and risks of technology in the 21st century according to Jos Creese, President of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT.

Speaking at the Institute’s annual dinner, Jos called for IT professionals to step up to the challenge and help make IT good for society.

Jos Creese said: “I believe the UK can set a world lead in tackling the opportunities and the risks of technology in the 21st century, in the interests of commerce, government and society - indeed I think we have to, if we are to retain public trust and our leadership position in digital government and ecommerce.

“The role of IT is so much more than helping to exploit the power of technology for commercial advantage. While IT professionals design new ways of working and solve business issues, we have a much wider role to play in society; we have a moral obligation to make IT good for society.”

Jos continued: “As IT professionals, we are helping to shape the world in which we live. We are developing into the IT profession for the modern age - an age that is dominated by technology opportunity and risks. This means that we need to change how we see ourselves and how others see us.”

Under Group CEO, Paul Fletcher, the Institute has developed a clear purpose and interpretation of its Royal Charter; to make IT good for society. This will see the Institute engaging with partners, organisations, government and individuals to address the wider issues around the role of technology in society. One example of this is the Institute’s challenge around personal data where it is committed to making personal data work for everyone: organisations, individuals and society alike.

Jos explains: “It’s vital we get personal data right not only for now but for our future. We are looking to improve IT for the benefit of society by championing the rights of citizens to own their data and to control how it is used and shared. We need to put people in control and at the same time empower organisations to use data in more beneficial ways, with genuine trust on both sides.”

Jos adds: “I believe this is where BCS and its members can make a real difference, alongside our outstanding historic credentials in technology research and innovation, I want BCS to be a champion for the profession, in business, in government and in society. I want people to join BCS not just for the value of professional accreditation, training, resources and connections, but also because of the value it brings to UK society.”

Jos concluded: “For us to fulfil our potential as a profession, we must be an outward-looking and an open profession, sharing freely. I want us to make a difference and this means we should work with others - other professions, media, research organisations, business leaders and politicians.”

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