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WWF Cymru : Welsh ministers face questions after UK commits to action on climate change

Responding to the UK Government’s announcement yesterday that it will adopt the recommendations of the Committee on Climate Change on the Fourth Carbon Budget, WWF Cymru praised Ministers in London for making the right decision for Wales’ energy security, its economy, its consumers and the environment.

However it says there are still unanswered questions over the Welsh Government’s plans to cut emissions and tackle climate change and this announcement yesterday should spur Welsh Government to progress at pace.

Jessica McQuade, Policy and Advocacy officer at WWF Cymru, said: 
“The UK Government has made the right decision yesterday by committing to continue the UK’s move towards a low-carbon economy well into the 2020s. It should spur significant economic growth across new industries where the UK is currently leading the global race. 
This decision will also support the Welsh Government’s ambition on tackling climate change and developing a low carbon economy. We now need Welsh Government to step up to the mark and have statutory emission reduction targets for Wales and provide its action plan for reducing emissions.
WWF Cymru is calling for this action plan to comprehensively demonstrate how programmes across Welsh Government and will contribute to its goal of a  40% reduction in emissions by 2020. This needs to include how UK Government policy is impacting on Wales, especially for energy policy”.
Notes to editors: 
1.    The Committee on Climate Change issued its revised advice for the Fourth Carbon Budget in December 2013, which covers the UK’s emission reduction objectives for the years 2023 to 2027: http://www.theccc.org.uk/publication/fourth-carbon-budget-review/
2.    In December 2013 over 100 businesses, investors, faith groups and NGOs signed a joint statement urging the government to ensure business stability by sticking to plans to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions: http://www.wwf.org.uk/wwf_articles.cfm?unewsid=6943 
3.    The CBI noted in its Colour of Growth report (http://www.cbi.org.uk/media/1552876/energy_climatechangerpt_web.pdf) that “in trying economic times, the UK’s green business has continued to grow in real terms, carving out a £122bn share of a global market worth £3.3 trillion [in 2011] and employing close to a million people. And in 2014/2015, it is expected to roughly halve the UK’s trade deficit”. The report however warned that lack of policy certainty in the green sector could result in “a risk of losing almost £0.4bn in net exports in 2014/2015”.
For more information:
Richard Nosworthy, Media and Campaigns Officer, WWF Cymru
Tel: 029 20454 972 / 07920211534, email: rnosworthy@wwf.org.uk, Twitter @wwfcymru
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