Welsh Government
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Wales Infrastructure Investment Plan delivers economic and social benefits across Wales

The Wales Infrastructure Investment Plan (WIIP) is delivering crucial infrastructure projects across Wales sustaining growth and jobs, Finance and Government Business Minister Jane Hutt said yesterday as the latest annual report is published.

To date £1.2 billion of funding, over and above core departmental budgets, has supported a series of projects providing real benefits to people across Wales.   These have included schemes to support affordable housing, 21st century schools to deliver learning environment that support better educational outcomes for young people, improvements to health infrastructure and protection against flooding.

The plan has also steered  the implementation of around half a billion pounds of innovative finance schemes and a forward pipeline of projects worth a further £1.9bn, providing vital economic and social infrastructure across Wales.

Finance Minister said yesterday:  

“Since its launch in 2012 the Wales Infrastructure Investment Plan has set a clear direction for our capital investment across the country.  Despite the financial challenges we face we have looked to every opportunity to supplement our resources and boost spending on infrastructure in Wales.

“Today’s annual report shows that our approach is working.  The results of these investments are visible both in terms of economic and social benefits.  I have seen a number of these benefits at first hand, including during my annual budget tour covering the length and breadth of Wales.  As part of the tour I am privileged to meet those working at the frontline of public service delivery, as well as those who use our public services such as apprentices, carers and tenants to listen to their views and to see the real difference our investments make.

“Working with our partners has been an important part of our approach and has contributed to the success of the Wales Infrastructure Investment plan. Over the last year, we have continued to engage with a wide range of representatives from professional bodies and organisations and enjoyed an open and constructive dialogue.  This collaboration is distinct to our approach to infrastructure investment in Wales and I look forward to building on this.

“It is now more important than ever that we continue to supplement our core capital budget, using innovative approaches.  We will continue to take advantage of the flexibility we have within Wales to create investment opportunities that will support growth and jobs.”

This year’s ‘Investing in the Wales we want’ Budget Tour, which started in Ceredigion last week, will see the Minister visiting communities across Wales to hear views of people on the ground about the Welsh Government’s investment priorities. The Minister will also visit a number of projects which have benefitted from Welsh Government funding and EU funds.


Wales Infrastructure Investment Plan


Channel website: http://gov.wales

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