Welsh Government
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Welsh Government moves to protect rights of public service workers in Wales

Local Government Secretary, Mark Drakeford, has launched proposals to protect the rights of public sector workers in Wales.

Last July the UK Government consulted on plans to lift a UK-wide ban on agency workers being used to cover the work of employees taking industrial action. The Welsh Government wants this ban to stay in place, preserving the present position.

Launching the consultation yesterday, Mark Drakeford said:

"We have a proud tradition of constructive social partnership in Wales. Welsh Government works effectively with public sector employers and trades unions, and we have avoided much of the damaging industrial action seen in England.

“But where industrial action does take place, the UK government’s proposals risk leading to prolonged, protracted disputes, greater confrontation and more disruption to some of the most vulnerable users of our vital public services.

“That is why I have set out proposals to continue to prevent agency workers being used to cover the work of public service employees taking industrial action and am seeking views on that proposal.

“I would encourage everyone who would be affected to have their say and take part in our consultation.”

View consultation details; The use of agency workers during strike action in Welsh public services

Channel website: http://gov.wales

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