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techUK Submits Written Evidence to Joint Investigatory Powers Bill Committee

On January 7, techUK’s written evidence to the Joint Committee on the draft Investigatory Powers Bill was published online by the Committee.

The call for evidence by the Joint Committee included questions on the operational case for targeted and bulk interception, the authorisation processes for interception activities and the case for equipment interference.

techUK’s written submission highlighted a number of concerns with the draft Bill that the Joint Committee must consider to ensure that the final Investigatory Powers Bill laid before Parliament is worthy of emulation around the world.

Of particular importance to techUK members included:

- Questions on the usefulness and cost of generating new data, such as internet connection records

- The unworkable nature of the extra-territorial provisions afforded in the draft Bill

- The threat to the security of the internet through proposals in the draft Bill on equipment interference, particularly bulk equipment interference

- The need for proposals on bulk collection to be properly understood due to its high levels of intrusiveness

- The importance of proper judicial oversight and authorisation for investigatory powers

The full written submission can be downloaded below. To get involved in techUK's work on investigatory powers, please get in touch with Talal Rajab at 

Talal Rajab, Programme Manager, Cyber, National Security and Criminal Justice
020 7331 2189

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