£22m of funding for Environment and Sustainable Development organisations in Wales

30 Jun 2015 12:46 PM

The Minister for Natural Resources, Carl Sargeant, yesterday announced the organisations who will share £21.875m of Welsh Government core funding from the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate to support their work.

The competitive grant process has seen 16 organisations successful, with the majority getting the full amount bid for. The funding has been awarded to these organisations for a period of two and a half years, allowing them to plan more effectively than with an annual allocation.

During an eco schools event at the Senedd, the Minister was keen to stress what he expects the organisations to deliver.

He said:

“I’m delighted to announce the successful applicants for this grant, who will deliver wide reaching benefits to our communities and natural landscape whilst, crucially, providing value for taxpayer’s money.

“I’m particularly pleased with the mix of excellent organisations that have attracted funding - from wildlife organisations and champions of sustainable land management to those reducing waste and encouraging recycling.

“Wales’ natural beauty is renowned across the world. We are amongst the best in Europe on recycling rates and, through our Well Being of Future Generations Act, are world leaders in sustainability.

“This funding is further evidence of the Welsh Government’s commitment to delivering a sustainable Wales and I look forward to working with these fantastic organisations to build on the good work already evident across Wales.”

A breakdown of the organisations and funding received can be found below:


Environment grants