Age UK - 'Squalor and distress' - life for older people in private rented housing

27 Oct 2016 11:15 AM

An Age UK report has revealed the reality of life for people over 65 at the bottom of the private rented sector.

Private renting: the future for older people?

Currently, households aged over 65 account for fewer than one in ten of all those living in the private rented sector.

This is a rapidly increasing housing option for older people, with 200,000 joining the rental market in the last four years.  Estimates show that a third of over-60s could be living in private rented accommodation by 2040.

The truth about rented accommodation

In its new report, ‘Ageing in squalor and distress’, Age UK draws on calls from older people and their families to its free telephone advice line. These calls paint a stark picture, showing how bleak life can be in poor privately rented accommodation.

Calls to the advice line uncovered the following experiences among older people renting at the bottom end of the market:

Older people are deterred to challenge these poor conditions and services. According to the report, the main reasons for not speaking up include insecure tenancies and an all too realistic fear of eviction.

Richard's story

Richard called the Age UK advice line about his problems with renting a house. He is house-bound and very frail. His house, rented for £590 a month from a private landlord, has an outside toilet and no bathroom. There is only running water in the kitchen. The only heat is an electric radiator.

When something breaks the landlord uses the cheapest contractors – so it inevitably breaks down again. He’s had no hot water in the kitchen for 6 weeks because the workmen sent to fix it were incompetent. They have asked Richard to move out temporarily to do further work. He’s completely alone and terrified to leave his home, for fear they won’t let him return.

Age UK calls for reform

Stories like Richard's are all too common and show the urgent need for legal reform in the private rented sector. Only this can strengthen the rights of older tenants and ensure they are treated fairly.

Age UK is demanding more resources for local environmental health services, so the law is properly enforced; better access to aids and adaptations for older people; and more comprehensive and more available local housing advice, so older people understand their options. They hope to work with the Government and private landlords to implement these changes.

Caroline Abrahams summarises the plight of older people living in private rentals: 'Calls to our advice line show that some highly vulnerable older people are enduring grim living conditions in the private rented sector and this is truly shocking. No one should have to put up with such squalor at any age, but the idea that a chronically ill older person could be living on their own for weeks or even months with no proper heating, or cooking facilities or hot water is sickening.

'The law is far too feeble and the withering away of local environmental health services is making the problem worse. As it is, the bottom end of the private rented sector is no place for a vulnerable older person, but if that is what we believe as a society we need to do something about it and create better alternatives. Our first and immediate priority though should be to improve the appalling plight of older tenants like those described in our report.'

For more information and advice on housing and tenancy rights, call Age UK's advice line on 0800 169 2081.