Bill to shape Wales’s future for next generation set to become law

18 Mar 2015 01:43 PM

Ground breaking legislation - the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Bill - which puts Wales at the forefront of sustainable development, has been passed by the National Assembly for Wales recently.

When it comes into force the new law will mean that, for the first time, many public bodies that provide services to people across Wales must do so in a sustainable way.

The new law will expect them to work together better; involve people reflecting the diversity of communities; look to the long term as well as focusing on now and take action to try and stop problems getting worse - or even stop them happening in the first place.

Natural Resources Minister CarI Sargeant said the legislation will transform how public bodies make decisions in Wales, ensuring the needs of the recent Wales are met whilst also leaving a better legacy for the next generations.

He added that it would create a strong foundation for reform to the Welsh public service, giving power to local people.

Carl Sargeant said recently:

“We are the first country to introduce legislation of this kind and it is vital we get it right for the good of this and future generations in Wales. In the same year that the United Nations will agree international Sustainable Development Goals, here in Wales we are ahead of the game, continuing the ambition Wales has had to be truly sustainable.

“Now the Bill is on its way to becoming an Act, I believe, this is a game changer. We can’t keep leaving our problems for our children and grandchildren to solve. I hope the next generation, long after we’ve gone, will benefit from the positive intervention we’re making today.”

Peter Davies, Future Generations Commissioner, said: 

“This is the most ambitious and far reaching legislation to go through the National Assembly. It is important on national and international platforms, breaking new ground as it embeds sustainability within the public sector which will impact on all sectors within Wales.  It will provide an integrated framework to improve policy making and service delivery.”

Anne Meikle, Chair of the Sustainable Development Alliance which has been campaigning for a strong law for over 3 years, said:

“Today is an historic day. The new Well-being of Future Generations law is a ground-breaking piece of legislation which will influence every aspect of the public sector in Wales, moving us towards being a sustainable nation. As an Alliance we are delighted that our campaigning has helped build a law that will shape the future of Wales.”

The new law has been shaped by a year long national conversation on the ‘Wales we want’ in order to decide on the long term goals for Wales. These seven well-being goals are at the heart of the Bill and are for a prosperous, resilient, healthy, more equal wales, with a thriving culture and cohesive communities and a globally responsible Wales.