Bye-bye Bastion

28 Oct 2014 02:12 PM

Building and packing up the largest operational UK military base to be built since the Second World War.

As British troops leave Camp Bastion, marking the end of UK combat operations in Helmand, over the coming days you can read about the military effort over the last 8 years in Helmand.

Each day this week will see a different theme of operations, this started yesterday with the building, sustaining and final hand-over of Camp Bastion.

Building Bastion

Camp Bastion was just a patch of sand with a few tents in 2005 and the thought of air conditioning was a distant dream. In 2006, construction began at the camp in order to support the changing role of UK operations in Afghanistan.

Designed by Royal Engineers and built by them using a team of military engineers and contractors.

By 2007, engineering construction of the runway and hospital was underway.

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