Certification of IA industry consultancy is changing

3 Mar 2015 02:09 PM

CESG is changing the way it certifies IA industry consultancy with plans to introduce a new cyber security consultancy scheme to replace the current CLAS scheme.

A recent review of the way CESG certifies industry IA consultancy identified the need to improve the quality of IA consultancy for government customers and get a better match between government customers and the right expertise. CESG plans to introduce the new scheme on 1st June when the current CLAS scheme will close to new members.

The focus of the new scheme will be on certifying professional consultancy services delivered by companies rather than individual consultants, allowing a scalable approach and the formation of multi-disciplinary teams. The bar to entry to the scheme will be raised as the new scheme requires companies to have at least one consultant at Senior Practitioner level.

More details on plans for the new scheme are in the newsletter.​