Data security: £4 million funding to prevent digital disruption

11 Feb 2015 02:14 PM

Cyber security breaches can cost a small company thousands and a large firm millions. Could your business help solve the problem?

There are also indirect costs like loss of business and damage to brand reputation – which can have far-reaching consequences.

Innovate UK is to invest up to £4 million in collaborative research and development (R&D) projects that tackle the growing risks of disruption to internet-enabled businesses and their digital supply chains.

We want to identify and fund industrial research that will strengthen the protection and resilience of such data, so businesses and the public can have confidence in the delivery of digitally enabled business products and services.

Proposals must be collaborative and business-led. We expect to fund mainly industrial research projects in which a business partner will generally attract up to 50% public funding for their project costs (60% for SMEs).

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Read about how Innovate UK funding is helping Flexeye unlock the potential of the Internet of Things