Digital research project Insight goes live

8 Apr 2015 12:55 PM

Following a trial last year, digital research project, Insight, is now live and is inviting museums and heritage sites in the UK to join trial participants to receive a free report detailing what factors most greatly influence visitor spend for their site. 

The first trial of its kind in the sector, Insight combines information submitted by museums and heritage sites with wider ‘Big Data’ sets and uses predictive analytic techniques to provide a new approach to benchmarking.

Project Manager Peter Collins explains: “This type of analysis has not been available to the sector before now. In a time where most organisations are focusing on resilience, this interface is tailored specifically towards improving commercial income.”

Dr Joe Collins, Software Developer at Ryan O’Neil Partnership, says: “We are collecting information across a wide range of parameters to explore what the key drivers may be that encourage, or discourage visitor spend.”  

Participating organisations can expect to see a personalised online analysis platform and planning tools using benchmarking data that has been collected from participating organisations throughout the UK.

Supported by the Digital R&D Fund for the Arts - Nesta, Arts & Humanities Research Council and public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England - Insight is being delivered by three project partners; enterprise experts and cultural sector consultants Black Radley, software developers Ryan O’Neill Partnership and researchers from Bath Spa University’s Centre for Creative Computing.

John Orna-Ornstein, Director, Museums, Arts Council England commented: “Investment from the Arts Council is supporting museums and heritage sites across the country, ensuring people continue to have access to our nation’s wealth of historical collections.

“In the current economic climate, however, it’s crucial that the cultural sector becomes more resilient, finding new ways to generate commercial income. Insight is a great opportunity for museums and heritage sites to benefit from data which will offer a greater understanding of how this can be achieved.”

Find out more and take part

Museums, art galleries, historic sites and houses, and other cultural attractions interested in taking part can find out more or sign up for the free no obligation trial here or contact Peter Collins