EU working on plan to improve prospects of refugees in Jordan and Lebanon

3 Feb 2016 11:44 AM

Syrian refugees need to be given the prospect of a better life in the region, and fast. This was the clear message of EU member states at the informal Council meeting of development ministers on 2 February in Amsterdam.

Minister Ploumen

Minister Ploumen 

The EU is working with Lebanon and Jordan to find long-term solutions. Refugees in these countries are being helped to obtain work, education, care and water. The exact form this plan will take will be presented on 4 February at a major conference on Syria in London.

This was announced by development minister Lilianne Ploumen following the meeting.

‘Safety, food and a roof above their head is not enough,’ Ms Ploumen said. ‘These refugees need work, education for their children, and a place in society. This is a huge challenge for countries like Lebanon and Jordan, which they cannot meet alone.’

Under great pressure

One of the proposals discussed by ministers touched on strengthening economic relations with Syria’s neighbours Jordan and Lebanon. Boosting trade and investment will improve the countries’ economic prospects. Jordan and Lebanon should take their own steps to improve refugees’ prospects, such as issuing work permits.

The European development ministers also attended a lunch for the first time on 2 February with ministers responsible for trade.

Trade agreement with Vietnam

An informal Council meeting of trade ministers was held after the lunch meeting. The day before the European Commission announced the completion of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement. This is a big step towards trade negotiations with surrounding countries in the region.

Ms Ploumen said that this FTA was also special because it was the first EU agreement to include all the key provisions of the new Investment Court System. ‘We have pushed hard to establish this fair, transparent form of investment protection, which respects countries’ sovereignty. With the Investment Court System, the EU has set a standard which we hope will be used worldwide.’

The EU presented the system in November to the US, in the framework of negotiations on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).