EU-LAC Foundation: constitutive agreement signed

27 Oct 2016 12:06 PM

The EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) signed an agreement establishing the European Union - Latin America and the Caribbean Foundation, the EU-LAC Foundation, as an international organisation on 25 October in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. The agreement is a key deliverable of the meeting of the foreign ministers of EU and LAC countries.

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, the Foreign Minister of the Dominican Republic Miguel Vargas as well as foreign ministers of the EU and of CELAC countries attended the signing ceremony. The President of the EU-LAC Foundation Leonel Fernández was also present.

The EU-LAC Foundation brings together the European Union and its 28 member states and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and its 33 member states with the following objectives:

The EU-LAC Foundation fulfils its objectives through activities such as encouraging debates through seminars, conferences and publications; promoting events related to the topics addressed in CELAC-EU Summits; launching bi-regionalprogrammes and organising exchanges; encouraging studies and creating new contact opportunities.

The EU-LAC Foundation is headquartered in Hamburg (Germany). The transitional EU LAC Foundation established in 2011 will be dissolved.

Visit the meeting page

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