Electoral Commission statement on outcome of the Tower Hamlets election petition

24 Apr 2015 02:40 PM

The Electoral Commission has received a copy of the judgment following the Tower Hamlets election petition. It is now considering the judgment and looking to see whether any lessons can be learned for the future from this case, including the recommendations the judge has made to the Law Commission in its important review of electoral law.

An Electoral Commission spokesperson said: “As this case makes clear, when fraud is attempted, or committed, it is candidates and their supporters who make those attempts or commit those offences - voters are the victims. We welcome that Mr Justice Mawrey made this clear in his statement. Campaigners of all parties need to act in line with the highest standards when communicating with voters.

“We have been working closely with police forces and local Returning Officers across the country, including in Tower Hamlets, to ensure they have robust plans in place to minimise the risk of fraud at the elections in May.

“It’s important that all voters know that no one should try to interfere with their vote.  No one should ask you to give them your postal vote to take away, or ask to see you fill it in. Anyone who has evidence of electoral fraud, or feels that they are being pressured to vote in a particular way, should report this to the police as quickly as possible. Alternatively, voters can report their concerns anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111”.

Action ahead of the May 2015 elections

Police forces, Electoral Registration Officers, Returning Officers, campaigners and the Electoral Commission all have different roles in protecting the integrity of elections but are working together to ensure robust prevention and detection plans are in place ahead of the May elections. This package of measures includes:

Changes to postal voting and electoral registration

For further information contact Rosemary Davenport in the Electoral Commission press office on 020 7271 0530 or rdavenport@electoralcommission.org.uk 
Out of office hours 07789 920 414