FSA Strategy 2015-20: are we getting there?

26 Sep 2014 04:33 PM

We’re making good progress in developing the FSA Strategy for 2015-20, and we’d like you to let us know if you think we’re heading in the right direction. 

We’ve been holding workshops in various parts of the country to discuss the latest draft and we’re organising an independent survey to gather consumer views on specific issues. Now we’ve launched a blog to ensure you can have your say as an individual.

The blog outlines some of the issues that the strategy aims to address and enables you to link through to the latest draft that was discussed by the FSA Board earlier this month.

Why not give the draft strategy a read and post a comment to let us know what you think?

We’re all going to have to navigate a vastly-changed food landscape over the next few years.

We aim to do this by ensuring the consumer continues to be at the centre of everything we do, but we’ll need your input to succeed.

Join us on the journey and let us know if you think we’re getting there.

We’ll be adding our own thoughts and answering any questions you raise.