Global Cancer Summit in Bengaluru

18 Nov 2015 07:04 AM

Transcript of the speech by Dominic McAllister, British Deputy High Commissioner Bengaluru, 18 November 2015.

Good Morning.

I’m pleased to be attending the Global Cancer Summit 2015.

Thank you to Dr Rao and the Global Cancer Foundation for their kind invitation.

I have been in Bangalore for only two weeks!

Prior to arriving here I was working for the UK Science and Innovation Network in the Gulf and before this, South Korea. The UK Government founded the “SIN” network to promote international research collaboration to tackle mankind’s grand challenges. Access to affordable healthcare is one of these grand challenges and cancer is a global priority.

My role in Karnataka now goes beyond research. The British Deputy High Commission works across the partnership spectrum from research and innovation at one end to commercial partnerships and investment at the other.

The UK and India have a long relationship of working together on life sciences and Oncology is a key focus.

The oncology challenge in India is significant:

What can the UK offer?

How can the British High Commission help?

Several teams at the Deputy High Commission in Bangalore support engagement in the Oncology area working alongside Indian partners:

What does this mean in practice?

Who should I talk to?

I would be happy to meet with you to discuss your plans.

My colleague Priya Varadarajan who leads the UKTI life sciences activity across India is also here and would be happy to help. She can also put you in touch with other colleagues working in this area.

Stuart Adam, Head,
Press and Communications
British High Commission, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110021
Tel: 44192100; Fax: 24192411

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