27 Oct 2015 03:16 PM

Can you imagine being stood on the edge of a frosty Roman Empire looking out over 2000 years of history? To fully appreciate the wonders of Hadrian's Wall, make sure you visit in all four seasons. This winter two major visitor attractions will remain open daily for visitors to enjoy Northumberland's World Heritage Site.  


Housesteads Roman Fort, open 10am – 4pm every day until Easter, will prepare for the winter months by offering Game of Thrones fans the chance to become ‘Watchers on the Wall’ whilst they wear a black hooded cloak and stand guard on the edge of the Roman Empire. 

Plus, visitors will also get a chance to stock up on Christmas gifts in the unique gift shops from English Heritage Monopoly and Gladiator Spelt Beer to hand-made jewellery and replica Roman armour. 
This season Housesteads Roman Fort is 2% up on visitors compared to this time last year. English Heritage put this down to numerous factors.

Emily Railton, Hadrian’s Wall Marketing Manager at English Heritage commented: “We’re really pleased with the number of visitors we’ve seen atHousesteads so far this season. We’re attributing the growth to various events, including the large scale regional, national and international media coverage we’ve had from BBC Wall of Sound, the Rugby World Cup 50 days to go moment, Robson Green’s ‘Tales from Northumberland’ and The Tour of Britain. Plus, we also saw an influx of Rugby fans all the way from South Africa, New Zealand and Tonga during the recent Rugby World Cup matches.

“In September we also held ‘Hadrian’s Wall Live’ for the very first time. Hundreds of people came to Housesteads on a Saturday evening to witness a momentous battle between 80 Roman soldiers and 30 barbarians. This was a truly magical event and one that we hope to replica again in September 2016. If we want to see a year on year growth like this, then it’s important that we’re constantly reminding people that we’re here, in all our glory and that we have something new and exciting to offer them all year round.” 

Click here for full press release