HEFCE is looking to appoint new members to its Strategic Advisory Committees

6 Apr 2016 02:47 PM

HEFCE wishes to appoint new members to all of its Strategic Advisory Committees.

The Strategic Advisory Committees advise the HEFCE Board on the effectiveness of its strategies. At a time of significant change in the sector, these positions provide a unique opportunity to contribute to higher education. 

We are keen to recruit new members to each of our four committees from a variety of backgrounds, including education, business, industry and the professions, as well as individuals who can represent the interests of students in our work.

Enhancing the diversity of the membership of the committees is important to us. We welcome applications from under-represented groups including women, disabled people and people from an ethnic minority background.

Further information and a person specification are available from the appropriate committee contact:

One-page application statements addressing the person specification should be sent to the appropriate committee email address above by midnight on 3 May 2016.