HEFCE welcomes Prime Minister’s announcement of increased investment in research and development

21 Nov 2016 03:25 PM

The Prime Minister has announced an additional £2 billion government investment per year for research and development by the end of this Parliament as part of the Government’s Industrial Strategy.

Professor Madeleine Atkins, HEFCE’s Chief Executive, said yesterday: 

'Universities are the driving force behind the nation’s research expertise. The extra investment in research and development announced today by the Prime Minister will help the UK to remain at the cutting edge of scientific and technological discovery and innovation. 

'Universities work closely and productively with business and industry at local, national and global levels. This extra investment will stimulate new research fields, and provide opportunities for knowledge to be applied in partnership with business for long-term economic success. 

'Universities are committed to providing the skilled workforce required to deliver on this new investment, and to achieve the commercial success that will put Britain at the forefront and technology and innovation. 

'HEFCE will continue to work with Government, business and other partners to support universities to play their full part in realising this ambition.'


  1. Read the full press release: PM announces a £2 billion investment in research and development
  2. Read the RCUK response 
  3. Read the Innovate UK response