Health minister Schippers calls on EU member states to act against antimicrobial resistance

11 Feb 2016 01:12 PM

‘Unlike Zika and Ebola, antimicrobial resistance rarely hits the news headlines. Yet the increase in resistant bacteria is undermining our healthcare system, slowly but surely. Every year, as many as 25,000 people in Europe die from untreatable bacterial infections. We’ve already done a great deal of paperwork on this: now is the time for action.’ These words were spoken by health minister Edith Schippers at the opening of the European ministerial conference on antimicrobial resistance.

Schippers and Van Dam

Minister Schippers and minister Van Dam. 

Joint strategy is crucial

On 10 February, EU health and agriculture ministers are discussing their approach to tackling antimicrobial resistance. Ms Schippers and agriculture minister Martijn van Dam invited their counterparts to this conference under the auspices of the Netherlands Presidency of the EU, which is pioneering a joint approach by the health and agriculture sectors. Action by all member states is crucial in the fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Groepsfoto AMR conferentie

‘One Health’ approach

The conference will primarily focus on the need for a multi-level ‘One Health’ approach that links human, animal and environmental health.