Homelessness prevented for half of approaches

27 Jan 2015 11:28 AM

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland.

Scottish Local Authorities were able to prevent homelessness from occurring for half of households approaching their Housing Options services.

For the first time, Scotland’s Chief Statistician today released information on Housing Options in Scotland, covering the period April to September 2014. 

Where contact was maintained with households and an outcome was recorded, only half of approaches resulted in the household making a homelessness application. A quarter remained in their current accommodation and a further quarter found alternative accommodation.

In total, local authorities received nearly 27,000 approaches to their housing option services, from 25,000 households. The most common activities undertaken were providing general housing advice, information and assistance and informing households of their rights under the homelessness legislation.

The figures released today were produced by independent statistical staff free from any political interference, in accordance with professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Official Statistics.

Notes To Editors

The full statistical publication is available at:


Housing Options has been described as: “a process which starts with housing advice when someone approaches a local authority with a housing problem. This means looking at an individual’s options and choices in the widest sense. This approach features early intervention and explores all possible tenure options, including council housing, housing associations and the private rented sector. The advice can also cover personal circumstances which may not necessarily be housing related, such as debt advice, mediation and mental health issues”.

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland can be accessed at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Statistics/About