IA14 - Read all about it

23 Jul 2014 03:50 PM

We have published a newsletter to give you insight into IA14, GCHQ’s flagship Information Assurance event. The newsletter includes reports on the keynote speeches and stream sessions that made it such an important and engaging event. 

IA14 brought together about 600 Cyber Security and Information Assurance leaders from across government, industry, academia and the Critical National Infrastructure. But it was much more than just a gathering of these experts in one place - important as that was. It offered a unique opportunity to reflect on progress made in the period since IA12, take a serious overview of where we are now, and set the direction of travel for where we need to go.
The threat from individuals, organised crime, terrorist and politically-motivated groups as well as state actors has never been greater - and no single organisation, however professional, can expect to combat it alone. So an overarching theme of IA14 was the need for ever-stronger and more open collaboration as the threat grows ever wider through the proliferation of newer devices and platforms - from smartphones to the cloud. As Sir Iain Lobban, Director, GCHQ, said in his closing address, we need to go further than ever before in sharing information to ensure that our Critical National Infrastructure including our world - leading financial services industries remain safe.​