IFS - Rising inheritances will deliver biggest benefit for those already well off

5 Jan 2017 09:19 AM

Younger generations are likely to inherit much more wealth than their predecessors did, both in absolute terms and relative to their other sources of wealth. But within each generation, those who are already well off tend to inherit the most – with implications for inequality and social mobility.

Ranking current pensioners by total lifetime income (excluding inheritance), those in the top 20% have inherited four times as much as the bottom 20% on average. Among younger generations, those with higher incomes are significantly more likely to expect an inheritance than those with lower incomes.

These are among the main findings of new IFS research published today, which looks at the impact of inheritances on inequality across and within different generations.

 Inheritances are going to be more important for younger generations ...

... and are likely to benefit those who are already well off the most.

Andrew Hood, an author of the briefing note and a Senior Research Economist at IFS, said:

“The wealth of younger generations looks set to depend more on who their parents are than was the case for older generations. Today’s elderly have much more wealth to leave to their children than their predecessors did, primarily as the result of higher homeownership rates and rising house prices. At the same time, today’s young adults will find it harder to accumulate wealth of their own than previous generations did, due to the sharp fall in homeownership for that group, the dramatic decline of defined benefit pensions in the private sector and the stagnation in their incomes.”

Notes to editors 

  1. Inheritances and inequality across and within generations, by Andrew Hood and Robert Joyce, is available on the IFS website at: inheritances and inequality across and within generations. If you have any queries, please contact Bonnie Brimstone on 020 7291 4818 / 07730 667 013 / bonnie_b@ifs.org.uk 
  2. Funding for the research from the ESRC-funded Centre for the Microeconomic Analysis of Public Policy at IFS (grant number ES/M010147/1) is gratefully acknowledged.