Increasing transparency: More information about how well your local health and social services are performing

16 Jun 2015 01:13 PM

People across Wales will be able to see even more information about how well local health and social services are performing as part of a major expansion of a Welsh Government website designed to increase transparency.

My Local Health Service, a website which provides information about the performance of the NHS in Wales, will be expanded to provide more data, including information about social services.

Launched in September 2013, the website uses graphics and detailed explanations to present information from health boards, hospitals and GP surgeries to provide a genuine insight into NHS performance.

Following the refresh, the renamed My Local Health and Social Care will feature social services data for each local authority in Wales or at a Wales level if local authority data is unavailable.

The new website will include:

It will also be easier to find information as there will be a new a dedicated area on the homepage allowing people to search for a particular hospital, GP practice, health board or local authority. The website will also provide a latest updates section, alerting people to new information which has been added to the site.  

The refresh coincides with the publication of the first NHS Wales Annual Quality Statement by Dr Andrew Goodall, chief executive of NHS Wales. The statement provides an overview of the work being carried out by all NHS organisations to improve the quality of care for people living in Wales.

Health and Social Services Minister Mark Drakeford said:

“My Local Health Service has helped to improve transparency in our NHS. The refresh will increase it even further, providing a wider range of easily-accessible information about health and social services.

“It will also provide a platform to display the shared health and social services measures from both the NHS and social services outcomes frameworks, showing clearly how these services are performing.”