Key cancer waiting times in Wales improve

16 Mar 2016 11:55 AM

Waiting times for a key cancer target in Wales have improved - the best performance in six months, new figures published today show.

The figures for January 2016 show 86.5% of people (492 out of 569) newly-diagnosed with cancer started treatment, following an urgent GP referral within the target time of 62 days (known as the urgent suspected cancer route) – this includes all diagnostic tests and consultations with experts. This is up from 86.2% in December 2015 and is the best performance since July 2015.

Three of Wales’ seven health boards achieved 90% or higher in January:

In addition, Abertawe Bro Morgannwg treated 114 out of 139 people within target time – the most treated within 62 days since June 2015.

Meanwhile, 96% of people (787 out of 820) who were newly-diagnosed with cancer started definitive treatment following diagnosis within 31 days (not via the urgent route).

The improvements in the 62-day cancer waiting time performance comes after Deputy Health Minister Vaughan Gething asked each of Wales’ health boards to produce 100-day plans to improve cancer services in October 2015.

Mr Gething said:

“Over the last 12 months, more than 16,000 people in Wales have started treatment for cancer in the Welsh NHS, with 14,926 treated within target time.

“I’m pleased to see an improvement in the number of people newly-diagnosed with cancer starting treatment within the 62-day target.

“While two of Wales’ health boards are treating more than 90% of patients within target time on a consistent basis, I want every health board achieving consistently high levels of performance so people with cancer receive timely access to treatment.”

NHS cancer waiting times