LGA - Councils respond to the Health Commitee Report

19 Jul 2016 10:44 AM

The Local Government Association's Portfolio Holder for Community Wellbeing, Cllr Izzi Seccombe, responded to the Health Committee's report on the impact of the Spending Review on health and social care

"The Health Committee's findings confirm what councils have been saying all along about the severe impact of the funding cuts on health and social care.

"We have previously warned that reducing the public health budget is a short term approach which could undermine the objectives we all share to improve the public's health and to keep the pressure off the NHS and social care. 

"The Government is finding billions of pounds for the NHS over the next four years, but to then take vital money away from the services which can be used to prevent illness and the need for treatment later down the line and ease the pressure on the NHS is extremely counterproductive.

"We are pleased that the committee is adding its voice to the many groups, such as councils, care providers, charities and the NHS, who are all united around the need for government to fully fund adult social care.

"The funding crisis in adult social care is taking its toll on councils' ability to provide support to older and vulnerable people. It is also leading to providers pulling out of the publically-funded care market and shifting their attention towards people who are able to fully fund their own care.

"The Committee is clear that cuts to social care funding have now exhausted the capacity to make further efficiencies, and shares our concern that additional funding for social care is not available until the end of this Parliament. That is why, as a starting point, government should bring forward £700 million of desperately-needed social care funding earmarked for the end of the decade to allow councils to protect vital social care services essential to easing the pressure on care providers and on the NHS."

View report: http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm201617/cmselect/cmhealth/139/13902.htm

Notes to editors

The 2015 Spending Review announced additional funding for adult social care through the Better Care Fund worth £1.5 billion by 2019/20. £800 million of this will come from planned savings to the New Homes Bonus. The LGA is calling for the amount not dependent on NHB savings – £700 million – to be brought forward to help tackle the pressures facing the sector now. There is currently no additional funding for adult social care via the BCF in 2016/17 and only £105 million planned for 2017/18.