LGA - Councils respond to toddlers' eating habits research

7 Apr 2016 10:06 AM

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Community and Wellbeing spokeswoman at the LGA, responds to research by University College London that shows toddlers' eating habits may harm long-term health.

"Obesity can begin at birth, with increasing evidence that what happens during the first 1,000 days of a child's life can have a big impact on how healthy and happy they are as they grow up and into adulthood.

"Councils want to work with government in its forthcoming childhood obesity strategy on developing a 1,000 days plan which places emphasis on encouraging healthy eating habits from an early age.

"Intervention at a young age is vital if we are to avoid the risk of children having major health problems later on in life, such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes."

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