LGA responds to AA survey about residential parking spots

19 Jan 2016 11:50 AM

Cllr Peter Box, Local Government Association Transport spokesman, responds to an AA survey about residential parking spots,

"Councils are on the side of motorists but this survey highlights the difficulties they face in balancing the requirements of commuters and residents. Councils often introduce restrictions at residents' request and consult widely on them, but in some places there simply is not enough road space or parking space to accommodate demand.  

"Councils are keen to help people make journeys without cars, where that is possible, and to better manage traffic, so that those who have no alternative but to drive can get there quicker and park when they arrive.

"Measures which would help meet this objective include fully funding the concessionary fares scheme, handing control over the Bus Service Operators' Grant – a fuel duty rebate paid directly to bus operators by the Government – to councils and giving them the power to enforce moving traffic violations, including illegal U-turns and box junction offences, to tackle congestion hotspots."