LGA responds to Government's Culture White Paper

24 Mar 2016 10:06 AM

Cllr Ian Stephens, Chair of the Local Government Association's Culture, Tourism and Sport Board, responds to yesterday's launch of the Government's Culture White Paper

"Councils recognise the tremendous role that culture and heritage plays in helping to create places where people want to live, work and visit, which this White Paper highlights.

"Local authorities, alongside Arts Council England, are this country's biggest public sector investors in culture.

"Despite significant reductions in central government funding, councils have adopted innovative ways of supporting and boosting culture and heritage. This includes setting up trusts to run cultural services, co-locating libraries with other public services, and reaching new audiences through digital innovation.

"Councils must be central to driving forward the White Paper recommendations and be fully involved in the planned wide-ranging review of the museums sector. They know their areas and are best placed to ensure any resources being deployed are spent as efficiently and effectively as possible, so their local communities, residents and businesses get the maximum benefits."

View the Culture White Paper:
