LGA responds to figures showing fall in teenage pregnancies

10 Mar 2016 09:56 AM

Cllr Izzi Seccombe responds to figures from the Office of National Statistics, which show that the rate of teenage pregnancies in England has fallen.

"Since taking over responsibility for public health, councils have embraced the opportunity to help young people develop healthy relationships, delay early pregnancy, look after their sexual health, and support those who choose to become young parents. Friendly and non-judgemental support is provided to young people in schools and colleges, available in the right place and at the right time. At the same time, dedicated support for young parents is proving equally important to improve the opportunities for them and their babies.

"Yesterday's figures show that while good progress has been made in reducing the number of teenage pregnancies, there is still work to be done, not just to continue this downward trend, but also to do more in areas of the country with a higher rate. Councils however face significant funding reductions from government over the next five years, which will make it harder for public health teams to sustain this.

"Getting it right on teenage pregnancy will not only make a difference to individual lives, it will help narrow inequalities and reduce long-term demand on health and social care services."

View ONS report: 



  1. For examples of how councils are tackling teenage pregnancy, see "Good progress but more to do. Teenage pregnancy and young parents" published by the LGA in February 2016.
  2. Government announced a 9.7 per cent reduction in public health funding between 2016/17 and 2020/21 – which in cash terms is more than £330 million. On top of this is a further £200 million cut in-year in 2015/16.