Liaison Committee reviews 2010-15 select committee activity

16 Jun 2015 02:59 PM

The House of Lords Liaison Committee has today published its report on Committee activity in the 2010-2015 Parliament. The Parliament was characterised by the innovation of a large increase in the number of ad-hoc and post legislative Committees and the significant impact Lords Committees had on government policy.

Chairman's Comment

Lord Sewel, Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords and Chairman of the Liaison Committee, said:

“Committees in the House of Lords play a vital role in contributing to informed public debate, scrutinising Government and holding it to account. The detailed and serious work undertaken by Lords Committees makes a real difference in improving policy and the way we are governed.

Today’s Liaison Committee report highlights the impact our Committees have had since 2010. It also reflects on the success of the increase in ad hoc committee activity. Ad hoc and post legislative Committees play to the strengths of the House of Lords, allowing the experience and expertise of our Members to be put to good use looking in detail at issues that might otherwise be ignored.

Post legislative scrutiny is also important to ensure laws are working as intended and delivering the best results for citizens. Our post legislative committees have made significant contributions to those discussions.”

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